Sunday, June 21, 2009

On the occasion of our first blog post!!!

What to say...Hmmmm. Well the kids are in bed and I'm finally writing our first post on our blog. The kids are tuckered out from swimming, splashing rather, all afternoon and they aren't asleep yet but finally in bed! I've been under the weather so have been on the couch most of the day. All you mom's know how much time that actually is. So not that much exciting stuff to say, just a lazy Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited you have a blog! I can finally keep up with you guys. I absolutely love keeping a blog for our family since they live far away and also to keep up with the day to day things that you forget about. There are so many cute (and not so cute) things the kids do that we forget about over time. This is a great way to keep track of life:) I love it!!
