Monday, June 22, 2009

Where has she been all my life?

My 3 year old daughter loves, I mean, loves to fold stuff! Last week I realized I hadn't heard her in a 30 minutes or so. Trying not to hyperventilate, I went to search for her and found her folding all the clothes in her drawer! On the left in the photo is her work and on the right is the "before" side. A few weeks ago when I picked her up from Sunday school the teacher asked me if I knew how well she could fold. Apparently, she had folded all the doll clothes and blankets. She loves to fold all the baby washcloths and what's really weird is that she sorts them into stacks according to size! No before you start gnashing your teeth and crying because none of your kids want to fold stuff, let me assure you that none of our other dear ones will fold a thing without "encouragement". Also, I have caught her many times in the kitchen emptying out my towel and napkin drawers to fold them. I am not renown for having a kitchen floor you would be able to eat off of so I wasn't too thrilled with having all my towels and napkin arranged on it. My question is how long will this folding thing last? I bet it will end just as she is old enough to do laundry!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

On the occasion of our first blog post!!!

What to say...Hmmmm. Well the kids are in bed and I'm finally writing our first post on our blog. The kids are tuckered out from swimming, splashing rather, all afternoon and they aren't asleep yet but finally in bed! I've been under the weather so have been on the couch most of the day. All you mom's know how much time that actually is. So not that much exciting stuff to say, just a lazy Sunday.